What's the GIG?

About Us

The Gig Delivery Network was started by guys just like you!  They started off as individual IC's, became master contractors, grew that into brick and mortar courier companies, then they sold those companies and started the Gig Delivery project.

They loved their work, the ability to schedule to work when it "worked" for them.  Starting as just teenagers doing deliveries, the founders are now in their 50's and 60's and have never worked outside the delivery industry since they got started.

If you are reliable, polite, attentive and customer service oriented, you too can become the master of your own destiny!

insurance Options 

Here at The Gig Delivery Network, we have strategic partnerships with several underwriters that can give you "Pay As You Go" insurance cost and coverage, keeping that expense of your business to a minimum.

These include:

  • Occupational Accident
  • Dispatch Commercial Auto Liability
  • Cargo
  • General Liability

Contact us for more information and pricing!